A free sample file. Floating iPhone with changeable display content (smart layer). The PSD measures 2048 x 2048 px.
Layered crop top mockup: Everything is customizable (shirt color, tag and label). PSD with smart layer, dimensions: 2032 x 1942 px.
Mockup showing a closeup of a black iPhone. The PSD file includes a smart layer.
A 3500 x 2300 sized (300 dpi) mockup of a coardboard box. Layered, customizable PSD file with five smart objects.
Two mockups of an open/closed newspaper. Completely layered PSD file in high quality (1900 x 1370 px). Use the smart object to insert your content.
The mockup shows a poster hanging on a wall in a modern living room setting. PSD with smart object.
A beautiful mockup of a poster in a frame leaning against a wall. The PSD is equipped with a smart layer.
Layered PSD file (change the background and flyer content) of a wooden pole. The dimensions are 1600 x 1200 px.
Three free high-res PSD mockups of a fence banner (three perspectives). Use the file’s smart object to drop your content.
Two mockups of covers and the interior of a magazine. The PSD files’ dimensions are 1920 × 1080 px.
This mockup shows a white iPad next to an iMac. Swap the screen content by using the smart layer.
High-res (3000 x 2250 at 300 dpi) mockup of a floating and open magazine. PSD with two smart layers.